Process Detox

Process Detox (Rehab for business processes) explores processes from two distinct perspectives: firstly from what has been described by some as ‘inside-out’, observing how organisations, and that really means the people (actors) within organisations, make decisions about how to organise work (i.e. specifically their business processes), and secondly an ‘outside-in’ approach looking through the lens of the end customer/consumer/service user to examine how processes are received and to observe how the technology, and the behaviour of people engaged in those processes, affects the outcome. Process Detox contains many case studies including well-known high street names (e.g. banks, utility companies and police forces), is wide in scope, and unearths some disturbing behaviour and characteristics of organisations and institutions we would want to believe perform better than recorded herein. Process Detox shows how most organisations are predestined to operate poor processes as it is woven into their DNA. So this book provides help if they are to avoid the many pitfalls that will lead them to implement poor processes, either for themselves (inside-out), or their customers (outside-in). Process Detox establishes that although organisations don’t set out to do processes badly, in many cases that is exactly what they do, especially when technology is involved.

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